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EST. 1986

Benefits of Using Tracking Devices

If your business relays on its vehicles, each one becomes valuable for the business’ operation and profits. So, why not protect them? The best way to monitor and track your assets is by using the StarLink Tracker, a vehicle tracking device, that works with all types of vehicles, and provides an accurate location.

ERM’s vehicle tracking device enables the fleet owner to monitor and track his vehicles in real time, keep them safe, and maximize their productivity.

Using a vehicle tracking device you can monitor:

Location – Always get a real-time location with the tracking device in the vehicle. Be rest assured that your vehicle can be easily found, even if it had been stolen or moved without permission, the trackers enable a quick and easy stolen vehicle recovery.

Vehicle’s speed – By installing a tracking device in your vehicle, you can easily know how fast the driver is going at any time. You could tell whether the vehicle is on the move or had stopped. If it obeys the rules of driving faster than the speed limit.

Idle time and route – Keeping up with the driver’s route and idle time can have a significant impact on the fleet’s expenses can save a lot of money for the business. Monitoring idling time can improve loading and unloading time and increase overall effectiveness and service to the customers. Monitoring the routes that the driver’s take could reduce fuel consumption and improve delivering times while maintaining the work schedule.

Tracking devices for vehicles and monitoring abilities are essential to any vehicle-based business, as more and more fleet owners start to look at vehicle tracking devices as a worthwhile investment to ensure efficiency in the long-run. The return on investment is assured, and the future of the fleet in ensured.

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